
Construction Industry

Construction Industry

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Construction Industry

The construction industry is one of our most important sectors for our living spaces. This sector represents the protection of our quality of life, national development and international environmental integration.

In the first formation of the construction, cement production and concrete plants stand out. "QUALITY AND HYGIENE WATER" in these factories; It is related to the efficient and economical operation of the energy production area and the mechanical track used in production. The construction sector serves the society of a large city from the manufacture of private living spaces for a small family. The same applies to the business world.

The construction sector reveals the large organized industrial sites from a small shop. Likewise, the sector manifests itself in the Courthouses, Prisons, Military facilities, Municipal facilities and similar areas that represent common areas of the society.

Technological treatment systems have entered new construction sites since clean water resources are inadequate today. Both the improvement works of network water and the improvement of uncontrolled water such as well (artesian water) have become among the essentials of today. Wastewater treatment plants, Gray water treatment systems, Use water treatment systems and Drinking water treatment systems and similar products are necessary treatment systems for "QUALITY AND HYGIENE WATER".

Contractor companies; "ARITICI" In cooperation with our company, they introduce their technological smart structures to "QUALITY AND HYGIENE WATER" to make the society a problem-free living space.

Contractor firms offer central heating systems, water installation lines, radiators, shower cabinets, water fixtures, solar energy systems, car washes, garden irrigation systems with "QUALITY AND HYGIENE WATER" by enhancing the economic quality of immovable buildings as well as private life. They maximized the comfort related to their fields.

They are working seriously to protect dishwashers, washing machines, tea machines and similar products. Pre-filtration, softening and advanced filtration systems, reverse osmosis systems are installed and followed up with our authorized expert staff, and monthly reports are provided with contracted subscriptions.

It is our wish to be a successful year for all construction sector representatives.